ˋ△ˊ Ray Zahab个人资料:Ray Zahab电影全集,Ray Zahab视频全集,Ray Zahab简介,视频,图片,写真,资讯以及评论等详细信息尽在1905电影网。2009年,极限跑者Ray Zahab,用33天23小时55分的世界记录,独自徒步南极。他也是一位Goose People. 去年,Canada Goose邀请加拿大导演Paul Haggis(保罗·哈吉斯)拍摄了一部由真人故事改
My coach Ray Zahab instructed me on making my own shoe covers to protect my feet from sand (and of course that meant minimizing blisters). Seriously, not one ounce of sand got in my In 2006, Kevin Lin, Ray Zahab, and Charlie Engle decided to do something very difficult.They made the decision to run across the Sahara Desert 4,300 miles (6,920 kin)
+▽+ - Ray Zahab Get Involved i2P Run The run is designed to be low stress, high fun, with no official timing or results. Distances are 10km, 12.5km, 23km, 36km, 50km and 100km over a varRay Zahab和Stefano Gregoretti感觉自己重生了,今天他们终于到达了庞纳唐村(Pangnirtung),完成了Arctic Extreme的第二站——从北庞纳唐峡湾(North Pangnirtung Fjord)滑雪穿越巴芬